Aleph University

We were created by the Word of God in the image of God and were blessed and given the ability and power to explore and discover how nature and the universe work, and use this knowledge to create wonders, and care, benefit from and populate the earth. We were given the mandate and ability to reproduce, increase, grow and multiply the science and knowledge and use it to create systems, products and services that make a better and prosperous living. God our creator has also given us spiritual laws and principles to live by so our abilities and works are properly used to bless and serve others, with love, justice, honor, peace and truth. Through his Son Jesus Christ, God has given us his Spirit and Word to transform our lives and to fully develop our potential fulfilling his marvelous purpose in us.

We are living, however, in difficult times as our society is being permeated by ideologies and lifestyles of ignoring God, gradually degrading the human being at all levels. Our beliefs, ethics and values are constantly challenged. New concepts, principles and ideas contrary to the Word of God are being brought forward. Family values are no longer valued and pursued. We are living in a world that does not value quality work, honesty and integrity. Traditional work place ethics and principles are no longer based on justice, love, honor, excellence and accountability. Modern lifestyles promote the love for money and power, the uncontrolled search for pleasure, and the quick access to wealth, without effort, persistence, dignity, respect and projection. The emerging culture is quickly replacing the search for God and his understanding by ideas and ideologies that take the human being away from God, producing darkness, confusion, damage and destruction in all aspects of human life.

It is thus imperative that institutions take the stand to pursue what is good for the human being and communities, opposing dark ideologies, and forming the leaders that our communities need, following God’s principles of love, justice, honor, peace and truth. Our society need leaders that have the knowledge and courage to follow high ethical principles in the work place. We need professionals with advanced and practical knowledge who work with honesty, integrity, that pursue excellence, and are committed to serve and be of influence to others. Aleph University takes the stand to bring ethics, principles and empowerment to develop leaders that can transform the work place for a better living. Aleph University invites you to engage in the pursue of knowledge, excellence and commitment as a leader serving with quality, excellence, integrity and love in your work place and community.

Jorge Millán, PhD
Founder and President
Aleph University