Aleph University

Our institutional principles represent the core values, beliefs, and practices that guide the university operations and decision-making. We aim to develop in the students the following pillars:


We believe that Aleph students are individuals who will contribute to society.


We are committed to fostering students inner development by providing them with the principles and values they need to thrive and inspire others.

  • We are dedicated to the transformation, inner growth, and development of each student.
  • We lead by example and guidance, embracing ethical values that inspire others.
  • We support our students, helping them solve challenges and overcome obstacles through mentoring and coaching programs.


We strive to provide a high-quality education that prepares students for success in their chosen fields.


  • Our academic programs are created with the highest academic standards, developing a global dimension and the integration of knowledge.
  • We promote a culture of learning and research that encourages critical thinking, creativity, and innovation.
  • We foster the curiosity of students to think outside the box and value innovation, creativity, and sustainability in their educational process.


As leaders of the future, we commit to creating a better world for all.


We will strive to be ethical, responsible, and inclusive in our decision making, and to promote equity and justice in our communities.
We will use our influence to foster collaboration and understanding, and to create a culture of service.

  • We inspire our students to contribute to their community becoming leaders of influence.
  • We form strong business leaders and successful professionals, applying knowledge with high ethical values, committed to quality and excellence in everything they do.
  • We believe in the capacity of our graduates to transform society. We value effort, discipline, and persistence through recognition.


We strive to create an environment that encourages our students to develop their skills and knowledge, to think critically and to be socially responsible

We believe that our graduates should be empowered to use their talents to make a positive difference in their communities and the world. We strive to foster:

  • The transformation and the power of human quality, through ethics, social responsibility, and service to the community.
  • The effort, discipline, persistence, and the transformation and development of the potential of our graduates to impact society.
  • The curiosity and creativity to think outside the box with innovation and sustainability.
  • The development of faculty members and the updating of educational resources.
  • We are focusing on continuously developing and offering academic programs of quality and relevance that meet the needs of the communities for a positive transformation through continuous interaction with business leaders and stakeholders.


  • Continuously maintain and improve the educational process by professional development of faculty, updating educational resources, as well as through continuous interaction with the community and business leaders and stakeholders.
  • Achieve institutional accreditation and recognition by providing high quality and relevant educational programs, and adherence to accreditation standards.
  • To create a positive impact in the community.
  • To continuously develop and offer academic programs of quality and relevance that meet the needs of the communities for a positive transformation.
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Phone: +1 (786) 416-5587

Feb/21/2023: Updated content